Tuesday 12 February 2019

The Shining-Come play with us scene. Film example

The first shot of this scene is a wideshot of Danny on his bike, incorporating a lot of the setting around him, in this case a corridor. The camera slowly traces his movements with a dolly at a low angle to make the character seem vulnerable as he is a child. It is also used to build suspense as it makes it seem as there is a presence following him. The dolly also makes him appear to be getting smaller as it is moving slower then Danny. The camera stops following as he turns the corner which creates a sense of danger to the viewers.
The camera then cuts to a closer tracking shot of Danny continuing down the corridor. The close up creates suspense as it gives leaves the audience in anticipation for whats around the corner. As he turns we are given a long shot of two girls standing at the end of the corridor The camera is still to create a slow pace, leaving the audience to anticipate the next move. The mis en scen is particularly important as there is an emergency exit sign posted above a door warning Danny to get out. This warns the audience that he is in certain danger. It then cuts to a close up on his face to show his horrified expression.
It then cuts to a shot over Danny to place the audience alongside him in this traumatic experience. This shot is also extended to allow viewers to absorb whats happening. We then get another close up on Danny to emphasise how horrified he is. The camera then cuts to show a quick shot of the girls murdered. This would catch the audience off guard as the quickness of this cut would undermine the slowness of the whole scene so far. It also is to quick for the audience to take in which helps in further developing the tension.
The camera then cuts to show the girls much closer to the screen. This quickens the pace and alerts the audience of Danny getting much closer to danger. While the girls talk the same image of them murdered is flashed up on screen a couple more times to increase the intensity.
The editing is maintained at a fast pace to build on the initial suspense for the audience. It also reflects heavily on Danny's heavy mental state. The camera then cuts to an extreme close up of Danny's face with his hands other his eyes. The audience is left in anticipation as he slowly lowers his hands to make it seem as if the both of us are waiting to see whats on the other side.

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