Monday 11 February 2019

Go Compare Ad

The Go Compare advert is used to advertise the car insurance company of the same name. The advert is primarily aired on TV which means it has a short time frame of around 30 seconds. This means that the advert has to fit in some information while keeping their audiences attention. The advert starts with an establishing shot to establish a setting of a cafe. This is used to make the advert seem ordinary to the audience. The colours in this ad are quite bright to create a happier mood which allows the message of car insurance more approachable for the audience. This makes the product more visually appealing for an audience which will help increase overall sales for the company. In particular, the ad focuses on two friends discussing car insurance. This is shown by the various 2 person shots of the pair sitting on the table.
However, when the "Go compare man" appears on screen to sing a lot of cuts and are added to match the pace of the jingle. As well as this, text has been added in post production, of certain lyrics to act as a visual reminder to the audience of the message the ad is trying to convey. Again, the text is added in a bright green font to make it visually appealing and eye catching so the audience can pay more attention the the words on screen. The camera cuts back onto close ups on the two friends to portray their confused facial expression. This could be used to reflect a possible feeling from the audience or to simply humour them.
It then zooms out to show everyone in the cafe singing. The mis en scen has a lot of bright objects and lighting to exemplify the happy environment of the advert. For example the bright red apples in the fruit bowl. The positioning of characters in this shot is also particularly important as our two main characters are positioned in the back left corner of the screen. This is to create a sense of isolation between the characters and everyone else who is singing along. This could be used as an advertising technique in order to make the audience to feel left out of buying the product.

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