Tuesday 12 February 2019

Kingsman: The Golden Circle action movie trailer example.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017) is a sequel the the action film; Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015) which consists of spies and guns. For the genre to be clear certain codes and conventions must be followed. 
The trailer opens with and establishing shot of London. This is used to establish the location. The shot is accompanied with a warm orange glow to give audiences who saw the first film a sense of familiarity and comfort. The next shot is a medium close up held in a reflection. This establishes our main character of the narrative. The reflection comes with a golden glow to again, create a sense of familiarity with the character and to also establish that he's the "Hero".
The trailer starts off slow with suspenseful music and fades to black for transitions to create tension.
As the music begins to start, the action and pace of the trailer is increased where the mis en scen of these quick shots show all action movie tropes such as guns, car chases and choreographed fight scenes. This is to explicitly tell the audience that it is an action film with what is being shown in frame.
In one of these specific shots, the camera pans to the left as Eggsy (the protagonist) is flung out of a car. The close up then suggests a look of fear as we are then shown ongoing traffic coming his way. This particular shot is in 1st person to place the audience in the heroes shoes and to increase the fear factor in order to create suspense. We are then giving a wide shot of Eggsy jumping over the car in slow motion to create excitement.
The camera then quickly fades to black to give us an establishing shot of New York City. Which tells us that there may be new locations within the film. The music and pace is slowed down as dialogue from the villain is spoken. The audience learn this from her tone in voice but more specifically, her body language. The character is placed behind a desk with quite sturdy body posture to show certain power and authority. She then voices over a cutaway of an explosion as if she is claiming responsibility which creates mystery and suspense behind the villain. We are shown a low angle shot of the Kingsman base as it is blown up in order to make them look powerless. This creates a sense of hopelessness from the audience as the protagonists are made powerless.
The camera then shows quick close ups and medium close ups of new characters which builds more suspense by adding mystery to each of them. It then cuts to various gun sequences and explosions to make it fast paced and build on those original action genre tropes.
Overall the trailer succeeds in advertising the film as is non linear to stray away from giving away the narrative. As well as this is clearly demonstrates the codes and conventions of an action movie through mis en scen and with high paced movement through quick cuts and action sequences.

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